With access to a computer, a connection to the internet and basic knowledge of computers, workers can now access training material anytime from anywhere around the globe. As many have found out, this form of training isn’t just convenient; it is a big cost saver. Since workers don’t have to travel the world to catch up with training, organizations can redirect the transportation budget to other areas. ELearning is also flexible and a real possibility for small and large organizations alike.
That said, here are the five ultimate benefits of interactive materials associated with elearning in manufacturing;
For a long time, organizations wanted to be able to bring heads together as quickly as possible. When each worker had to travel a hundred miles or cross borders to attend training; organizations wasted not only money but also time. With interactive elearning, no movement is required. Classes can be offered live or recorded in advance, allowing participants to access the material at their own convenience.
It is immediate and cost effective
At a time when training costs are constantly rising, elearning is an excellent alternative to traditional training. Online training is immediate and affordable. First, all tools can be made accessible to every participant. Secondly, organizations can include slideshows and screen capture software to record all computer activity. This makes it easy for participants to follow and learn. For instance, an organization can upload various segments of the training as separate chapters accessible online and also downloadable. This essentially eliminates costs associated with missed or late attendance in physical training.
An inherent problem with training is ensuring that everyone is on the same page all the time. Everyone has to be taught the same content the same way. If one group of trainees is trained differently using different learning material, the results can be wildly different. With consistent, standardized learning, everyone gets the same training. As soon as an organization makes new material available, it can send emails to every participant directing them to look at it within a given timeframe.
Ease of tracking
Another problem partly solved by elearning is tracking. With pen and paper tracking, it’s difficult to evaluate who has learnt what. At best, an organization will have spreadsheets or sign-in sheets with no guarantee that everyone has seen the new material. ELearning makes tracking easy; organizations can track who has logged in to watch the latest video and how long they watched. Organizations can even add interactive quizzes and other content interspersed throughout the video and allow for tracking and recording results.
Total control of training material
Finally, every organization wants to ensure control of all learning material. Training material may be innocuous, but can also contain trade secrets or material that an organization would rather keep confidential. By using online learning approaches, organizations are able to control who accesses learning material. This significantly reduces chances that material is lost or misplaced.
ELearning is now the accepted and cost effective way to train personnel. It provides participants with flexible scheduling options, reduces training costs, and tracks all training activities. Those who’ve tried it report big returns on investment.